

  • 状态:HD

  • 年份:2018 

  • 更新时间:2023-08-23

  • 别名:汉纳·加斯比:娜娜,汉纳·加斯比:娜奈特













    前情提要,Hannah Gadsby生于澳大利亚一个非常传统的城市,她本人是同性恋。这场演出是她的告别演出。

    原文来自于/img.php?url=https://scrapsfromtheloft.com/2018/07/21/hannah-gadsby-nanette-transcript/,以下翻译了原show 50分钟之后的部分,但还是建议有条件原来的视频。文字难免断章取义,有些翻译也失去了原词句的词义。演出本身则非常、非常、非常有力量。


    Comedy is more used to throwaway jokes about priests being pedophiles and Trump grabbing the pussy. I don’t have time for that shit. I don’t. Do you know who used to be an easy punch line? Monica Lewinsky. Maybe, if comedians had done their job properly, and made fun of the man who abused his power, then perhaps we might have had a middle-aged woman with an appropriate amount of experience in the White House, instead of, as we do, a man who openly admitted to sexually assaulting vulnerable young women because he could.


    Do you know what should be the target of our jokes at the moment? Our obsession with reputation. We’re obsessed. We think reputation is more important than anything else, including humanity. ... These men are not exceptions, they are the rule. And they are not individuals, they are our stories. And the moral of our story is, “We don’t give a shit. We don’t give a fuck… about women or children. We only care about a man’s reputation.”





    Look, I am angry. I apologize. I do, I apologize. I know… I know there’s a few people in the room going, “Now, look… I think… she’s lost control of the tension.” That’s correct. I went on it a bit there. So, I’m not very experienced in controlling anger. It’s not my place to be angry on a comedy stage. I’m meant to be doing… self-deprecating humor. People feel safer when men do the angry comedy. They’re the kings of the genre. When I do it, I’m a miserable lesbian, ruining all the fun and the banter. When men do it, heroes of free speech. I love… angry white man comedy. It’s so funny, it’s hilarious. They’re adorable. Why are they angry? What’s up, little fella? What are they angry about? Gosh, can’t work it out. They’re like the canaries in the mine, aren’t they? If they’re having a tough time… the rest of us are goners.


    All my life, I’ve been told that I’m a man-hater. I don’t hate men, I honestly do not. I don’t hate men. But… there’s a problem. See, I don’t even believe that women are better than men. I believe women are just as corruptible by power as men, because you know what, fellas, you don’t have a monopoly on the human condition, you arrogant fucks. But the story is as you have told it. Power belongs to you. And if you can’t handle criticism, take a joke, or deal with your own tension without violence, you have to wonder if you are up to the task of being in charge.



    I’m not a man-hater. But I’m afraid of men. If I’m the only woman in a room full of men, I am afraid. And if you think that’s unusual, you’re not speaking to the women in your life. I don’t hate men, but I wonder how a man would feel if they’d lived my life. Because it was a man who sexually abused me when I was a child. It was a man who beat the shit out of me when I was 17, my prime. It was two men who raped me when I was barely in my twenties. Tell me why is that okay. Why was it okay to pick me off the pack like that and do that to me? It would have been more humane to just take me out to the back paddock and put a bullet in my head if it is that much of a crime to be different!


    I don’t tell you this… so you think of me as a victim. I am not a victim. I tell you this because my story has value. My story has value. I tell you this ’cause I want you to know, I need you to know, what I know. To be rendered powerless does not destroy your humanity. Your resilience is your humanity. The only people who lose their humanity are those who believe they have the right to render another human being powerless. They are the weak.


    To yield and not break, that is incredible strength. You destroy the woman, you destroy the past she represents. I will not allow my story… to be destroyed. What I would have done to have heard a story like mine. Not for blame. Not for reputation, not for money, not for power. But to feel less alone. To feel connected. I want my story… heard. Because, ironically, I believe Picasso was right. I believe we could paint a better world if we learned how to see it from all perspectives, as many perspectives as we possibly could. Because diversity is strength. Difference is a teacher. Fear difference, you learn nothing. “


    There is nothing stronger than a broken woman who has rebuilt herself.


    To the men in the room… who feel I may have been persecuting you this evening… well spotted. That’s pretty much what I’ve done there. But this is theater, fellas. I’ve given you an hour, a taste. I have lived a life. The damage done to me is real and debilitating. I will never flourish. But this is why… I must quit comedy. Because the only way… I can tell my truthand put tension in the room is with anger. And I am angry, and I believe I’ve got every right to be angry!


    But what I don’t have a right to do is to spread anger. I don’t. Because anger, much like laughter, can connect a room full of strangers like nothing else. But anger, even if it’s connected to laughter, will not… relieve tension. Because anger is a tension. It is a toxic, infectious… tension. And it knows no other purpose than to spread blind hatred, and I want no part of it.


    Because I take my freedom of speech as a responsibility, and just because I can position myself as a victim, does not make my anger constructive. It never is constructive. Laughter is not our medicine. Stories hold our cure. Laughter is just the honey that sweetens the bitter medicine.


    I don’t want to unite you with laughter or anger. I just needed my story heard, my story felt and understood by individuals with minds of their own. Because, like it or not, your story… is my story. And my story… is your story. I just don’t have the strength to take care of my story anymore. I don’t want my story defined by anger. All I can ask is just please help me take care of my story.


    Do you know why we have the sunflowers? It’s not because Vincent van Gogh suffered. It’s because Vincent van Gogh had a brother who loved him. Through all the pain, he had a tether, a connection to the world. And that… is the focus of the story we need. Connection. Thank you.



    古月 苏林 赵恒多 吴志远 孙海英


    汤姆·汉克斯 CristinaMarsillach BenedictTaylor


    艾美达·斯丹顿 理查德·格拉翰 埃迪·马森 吉姆·布劳德本特 莎莉·霍金斯


    刘德华 梁家辉 钟丽缇 陈百祥 何家驹 黄光亮 李婉华


    克莱尔·丹妮丝 朱莉娅·奥蒙德 凯瑟琳·欧哈拉 大卫·斯特雷泽恩 巴瑞·塔布 MelissaFarman 谢拉米·李 查尔斯·贝克 BlairBomar


    安德鲁·加菲尔德 萨姆·沃辛顿 文斯·沃恩 雨果·维文 卢克·布雷西 泰莉莎·帕尔墨 瑞切尔·格里菲斯 内森奈尔·布佐里克 理查德·劳斯伯格 马特·纳夫莱 费拉斯·迪拉尼 瑞安·柯尔 卢克·佩格勒


    乔治·伯恩斯 查理·斯克莱特 托尼·罗伯茨 AnitaMorris 米丽亚姆·福林 詹妮弗·鲁尼恩 莱德·巴顿斯 乔治·第桑佐 博纳德·福克斯 肯尼斯·提加尔 安东尼·斯塔尔克 保利·肖尔 EmoryBass JoshDevane 本尼贝克


    里克·莫拉尼斯 马特·弗里沃 玛西亚·斯特拉斯曼 克里斯汀·萨瑟兰 托马斯·威尔逊·布朗 杰瑞德·拉什顿 艾米·奥尼尔 罗伯特·奥利维里 卡尔·斯蒂文 马克·L·泰勒 KimmyRobertson LouCutell LauraWaterbury TrevorGaltress MartinAylett


    刘之冰 孔都孜扎依·塔西 阿卜力克木·阿卜来提 马依热·艾买提江 肖荣生


    田理 许妙嘉 王子 洛麒 卢勇 马岩


    苏查·玛娜英 阿萍雅·萨库尔加伦苏 吴翊歌 亚历山大·伦德尔


    樊国雄 刘小瑛 苗天 王晓 吴剑虹 杨宪棠 陶耀华 吴素莹 管贞一 竺叶堂 文久 王晓 刘绣莲 洪雅蕙 孟庆余 屠立刚
